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Jessica Purks


member since Sep 29 2015

My skills

Educated in Anthropology and Sociology
Work experience in sustainable/organic agriculture (2 years), teaching (1 year), foreign language learning (4 years), and anthropology (5 years)
Multicultural volunteer and anthropological experience abroad
Strong interpersonal and oral/written communication skills
Excellent English skills
Intermediate Spanish skills
Innovative Cook, especially with vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, local, or non-gmo
Writer - poetry, ethnography, nature writing, and research
Passionate about food, health, and environmental sustainability
Growing, preserving, and fermenting food
Ceramic arts
Eager to learn and to share passions and knowledge with others

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

Jessica Purks


Flexible, versatile, and adaptable
Multicultural volunteer and anthropological experience abroad (focus areas: agriculture, teaching, indigenous life)
Strong interpersonal and oral/written communication skills
Enthusiastic and dedicated regarding educational pursuits and responsibilities
Passionate about food, health, and environmental sustainability
Eager to learn and to share passions and knowledge with others


in Sociology/Anthropology, Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT 05764.
Graduated: Spring 2014. GPA: (summa cum laude)
Courses Include: Introduction to Sociology, Women’s Studies, Ethnographic Field Methods, Human Origins, Social Theory, Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Criminology, Multicultural and Diversity Awareness, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology/Anthropology Senior Seminar, Ethnoecology, Human Ecology, and Intermediate Spanish, Social Research 1, Culture & Environment in Nepal (abroad), Home Gardens: Nutrition, Biodiversity, & Design, and Food Preservation, Spanish Conversational Laboratory, Methods in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Animal Husbandry, International Development, Yoga: History, Philosophy, & Practice, and American Minorities.


Colombia Ministry of Education, June 2015-Current.
HEART FOR CHANGE FELLOW-Teach English in a public high school. Job responsibilities include: planning and coordinating classroom activities with & without textbook, tutoring students and adults, evaluating student learning, creatively approaching classroom topics to keep students engaged, improvising activities/materials, making do with little to no materials or money, effectively managing a classroom of 40+ students, motivating students and families to learn, and overcoming institutional and cultural obstacles.

Personal Travel in Costa Rica, Ecuador, & Colombia, January 2015-May 2015.

Full Cellar Farm, Jefferson, MD. May-December 2014.
FARMER’S MARKET ASSISTANT- Set up and maintain an attractive market stand, engage customers in their relationship with food and a greater food system, facilitate an alluring, entertaining, and informative market environment, maintain and organize market sales, efficiently control transactions, understand seasonality and farm operations, and represent a knowledgeable and professional image of the farm by handing business respectfully and professionally.
FARM HAND- Assist with regular farm duties and operations including field preparation/maintenance, harvesting, cleaning, storing, and packaging produce for market, wholesale, or CSA. Fieldwork demands an ability to work in adverse weather conditions, carry out rush jobs effectively and safely, multitask, endure repetitive heavy lifting and physical labor, work with a team and/or alone to complete tasks, and keep a keen eye on minute details and happenings in the fields, especially regarding pollinators, pests, diseases, and other concerns which may threaten the integrity of the crop.

Summer Creek Farm, Thurmont, MD. Spring/Summer 2013 and Spring/Summer/Fall 2014.
FARM HAND- Assist with regular farm duties and operations including field maintenance, harvesting, cleaning, sorting, storing, and packaging produce with strict adherence to organic certifications and food safety standards. The fieldwork demands mentioned above are also exhibited in this position.

Population Media Center, Shelburne, VT. Spring 2014.
INTERN- Assist with new program development, administrative tasks, and record keeping.

Calhoun Learning Center, Green Mountain College. Fall 2011-Spring 2014.
PEER TUTOR-As of Spring 2014, approximay 550 accumulated hours. Provide assistance to students regarding assignments, organization, and personal mentoring. Specialize in sociology/anthropology and writing. Required to attend tutor-training meetings. Responsible for maintaining a professional, yet comfortable environment for students to learn. Qualified to peer tutor based on academic record and strong letters of recommendation.
▪ Developed and refined interpersonal skills, especially when working with students with learning disabilities, troubled backgrounds, or motivational/attitude challenges.
▪ Commended for strength in writing and having a calm and patient demeanor when helping others express themselves.
▪ Performance evaluated as invaluable due to the strong connection maintained with many students with learning disabilities.

Unexpected Moments of Magic Foundation, Boquete, Panama. January-April 2013.
VOLUNTEER- Worked at: Hogar Trisker (local orphanage)- planned activities, assisted with school work, tutored boys and girls ages 5-14, La Jungla (animal rehabilitation/rescue center)- community outreach and fundraising via flyers and social media, garnered food donations from farmers, and La Finca Amistad Verde (organic farm)- harvesting, preparing vegetables for market. Accumulated 350 hours of volunteer service during stay.

Casa Hogar Estrella, Rosarita, Baja California, Mexico. July 2011.
MENTOR/CAMPANION- Lived in an orphanage with sixteen orphan Mexican girls, ages 5-15. Responsible for tutoring English and providing companionship as a “big sister” mentor.

About Me

Hello all,

I am currently living in Cali, Colombia. I found paradise here while working as an English teacher in a low income public high school. Of course, I am passionate about dancing and music. I love to cook, especially for others. I am a reader and a writer. I'm an earthbound need my hands in the earth. I am fascinated by organic agriculture and growing my own food. I rejoice in the opportunity to wander in the mountains, laugh in the light of the moon, and sleep to the rhythmic lullabies of the ocean's Environmental and human sustainability is an important dimension of my being - I care deeply for our natural world and actively strive to create a harmonious relationship between those around me on this rich earth.

I am looking to supplement my teacher's income with some extra , farms, hoss, schools, tutoring, gardening, interior design, child care, natural building, art projects, etc.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
