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ilona Grochowska



member since Jul 29 2015


My skills

Pilates Instructor
Fitness Instructor
Dancer (ethnic, contemporary)
Song/poem etc. - writer
Singing and playing various instruments
Worked before also as children`s animator, seller, sea stewardess and deckhand on jachts, waitress and menager assistant in a french cafe in USA, English and French teacher, live translator, hostess on events.

Languages Spoken

No Language Set

Full CV / Resume

No Content

About Me

I`m joyfull and respectfull and like to gather with people who seek peace, harmony and active lifestyle 🙂
Currently I seek to learn how to build eco-ergonomic houses of clay, dump etc.
I serve you with my professional skills in trainings with Pilates, fitness and yoga elements. My goal is to give people healing trainings adequate to their goals.
I serve you with all my other skills listed in the brief CV. As well as I can give artistic workshops of movement and dance including opening to the music participation.
I plan to travel with my dear Love - Greg and we both can entertain children in a very creative way or give little shows to all kind of public.
Except that I `m simply a working, natural person who wants to participate in everything worth it and I give from myself as much as I can, remembering about staying healthy! This is our priority with my boyfriend 😉
Love is my religion.
Hope to meet You!
Aloha *

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
