Creative Writer/Teacher
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Geninna Ariton
member since Jan 3 2016
My skills
Experience in Hospitality/Tourism - 2 years
Experience in Preschool Teaching - 2 years
Languages Spoken
Tagalog (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)Full CV / Resume
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About Me
My day job requires teaching life skills to toddlers - which is the biggest challenge of anybody's life. My night job is writing about topics that I feel relevant about. I really, really love to travel. I have lived (and explored to a T) and worked in Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, and currently in Romania. I have traveled to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. And having lived in the Philippines for as long as I can remember, I have explored most of the country as well. I am currently reading my 179th book, which I intend to finish before the January 2016 ends. I have zero cooking skills but since I got married, I'm trying my utmost best to change that.