Bird of Paradise
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Jesse Lutz
member since Mar 24 2018
My skills
Active outdoors man with a variety of skills ranging from culinary to building trails and bridges. Work well with humans and animals alike.
Languages Spoken
English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium) German (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
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About Me
Hello!I'm Jesse, from the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina USA. I've spent the last 9 seasons working in the state of Idaho for the United States Forest Service as a Wilderness Ranger living/working/playing in the lower 48s largest road less area ( Million acres). Lots of solitude and silence in the wilds of nature along with a fair amount of hiking/backpacking for extended periods of time. Being as its seasonal work I tend to seek opportunities for travel in the off season (October-May)Travelling and adventuring lights my fire. Seeing cultures across the globe over the past 15 years has made an enormous irreplaceable impact on my life. After studying Art History and visiting my sister in Rome, Italy for the first time at the age of 18 I was a goner! My interests are mostly related to being active outside. I'm good with my hands and fairly quick on my I do like to lounge. I work well with animals and humans alike. Recently I have a growing interest in sailing and horsemanship. Odd combination but you've got to start somewhere right? My season starts May 1st and am looking for an opportunity to learn about ...well sailing and whatever comes along with it. I've enjoyed work exchanges in Costa Rica, Portugal and other areas in the US and found that its a better way to have a true connection to a place and experience. I am able and willing to work hard and excited for a great travel experience around the globe.