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Jeffrey Listerman

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Jeffrey Listerman



member since Apr 25 2016


My skills

Experience in the following:
-Carpentry, construction, home/building repair
-Farm work: Planting, harvesting, equipment operation, livestock management, landscaping, general maintenance
-Restaurant/Bar/Hos work: Reception, customer service, cleaning (dishes, rooms, laundry, etc.)
-Art: Making or teaching in clay, plaster, paper mache, wood carving, mold-making, etc.
-Teaching English

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

Jeffrey S. Listerman
6700 Rhode Island Ave., College Park, MD 20740
(785) 550-7407 / Profile_________________________________________________
• Extensive knowledge of the diverse challenges facing emergent nations and related transnational dynamics.
• Ability to conduct academic research and synthesis at a high level; Excellent analytical and writing skills.
• Exceptional problem-solving skills and demonstrated ability to consistently devise and execute goal-oriented strategies in a wide variety professional settings.
• Adept at managing multiple projects while adhering to budget and/or deadline constraints.
• Proven abilities in the areas of team leadership and personnel management.

The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Master of Arts degree in Global and International Studies, 2014.
• Thesis research in comparative analysis of illicit crop reduction and alternative development efforts around the world.
• Coursework in International Conflict and Development, Global Economics, Latin American Politics, Politics and Problems of the Developing World, The US-Mexican Borderlands, The Five Wars of Globalization, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Interdisciplinary Research Methodologies, Intermediate Spanish Composition and Conversation.
• Maintained Graduate GPA.
• University of Kansas Study Abroad Program, Spanish Language Intensive, Barcelona, Spain, Summer, 2012.

The California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA.
Master of Fine Arts in Ceramics, High Honors, 1997.

The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design, 1992.

Professional Experience______________________________________________________________
The Center for Complex Operations, Institute for National Strategic Studies at
the National Defense University, Washington, DC. Editorial Assistant, PRISM staff, Spring 2015.
• Solicit, format, edit, and proof articles for PRISM, the quarterly security studies journal from CCO.
• Conduct research, communications, and outreach pursuant to editorial duties and content development.

The Millennium Project, Global Futures Studies and Research, Washington, DC.
Intern, Summer, 2014; e-Intern, Fall, 2014-Present.
• Update and maintain -based archives and e-feeds regarding TOC and other of the 15 Global Challenges.
• Contributed original design and writing to special projects regarding corruption, TOC, and illicit networks.

The Borgen Project
Regional Director, Spring-Summer, 2013.
• Lobbied congressional leaders concerning legislation regarding foreign aid and development programs.
• Conducted PR and recruitment for the organization.

J. Sloan Repairs, Owner/Operator,1998-2012.
Carpentry/Construction/Home Repair/Remodel
• Regularly formulated estimates and submitted bids for large and small jobs on a competitive basis.
• Managed labor crews, met payrolls, and maintained professional rapport in relationships with diverse groups of people.

About Me

I am a 48-year-old male ...advanced degrees in fine arts, design, ceramics, and also a MA in Global and International Nearly 15 years experience in construction, carpentry, and home General to specific knowledge of small and medium equipment operation, farm labor, I plan to get TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification to teach English next Personable and much experience in restaurant and service Easy going, but focused and My hobbies include running and weight-lifting, reading a variety of non-fiction, watching good movies, and listening to good Like to sculpt in clay or paper mache when I have the

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
