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Florin Neguti
member since Dec 26 2017
My skills
I'm still a young lad and haven't got enough time to get a lot of work experience. The jobs I had didn't require special skills or years of preparation, they could be done by anyone around as they were easy but like any other job time and nerve consuming. Ofcourse I took all of them as experiences and i think i've learnt something from each.
My first job was in my hometown, Targu-Jiu, where i worked as a merchandiser to Pepsico. I had to roam the city on foot from store to store to merchandise their shelfs according to the plan, it was a detail orientated job as everything had to look perfect.
The next job I've got was as a part time bartender in a local pub in Ploiesti whilist I was a student. In that period I've learnt how important is to manage your time right inside and outside the working hours. How a burden is to work with people or I can better say for people, as pleasing all the customers was hard, you had to be fast paced, polite and the most important thing to have a smile always on your face.
My most recent job was in Arad, as a production operator in a factory working for a company that made seatbelts and steering wheels named Takata. You were standing in front of a machine and all you had to do was to move fast, as fast as you could doing the same thing over and over again using your hands. You gain some mental ressilience there, also you feel like you have super human eye-hand coordination after a while.
Languages Spoken
Romanian (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) German (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
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About Me
Talking about myself isn't really my thing, as I find to be more a listener than a speaker. Let me introduce myself first, I'm Florin, a 20 years old boy from Romania that wants to enhance his life with new and unique experiences, trying to live in foreign countries for a limited time to test my ability to "survive". I like to hangout with different people so I can put myself in new situations. I'm up to all sorts of crazy stuffs from headbanging all night to sky dives. Although I'm kinda soft, I have a good grasp on how to take care of myself. I have moody swings, probably as everyone does, but my face betrays me everytime. I think that I'm a highachiever, I want to better myself in every field, but I'm the most lazy person ever to exist.
My biggest hobby is to consume, I'm a consumer, I consume music, books, podcasts, sometimes I mindlessly do it. My music taste range from old school heavy metal to christian rap to dancey songs and many other genres I can't name right now. Mostly the podcasts I listen is Romanian stand-up comedy and late in the night some Alan Wats food for thought. The books I ussually read are from Romanian authors as I haven't dwelled in the international scene just yet.
I don't know if this short brief is enough or even appealing for my future hopefully hosts. I'm scared the shit out of me to leave my home country as I never did before, and also I'm going to be alone in a big world. Looking forward to meet.