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Florian Bohlken
member since Dec 13 2018
My skills
Worked in bartending, waitering, development, design, health care, delivery, construction, promotion, photography, and a little acting.
Languages Spoken
German (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Croatian (Beginner) Japanese (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
This has to wait for now, since I am already travelling and do not have my full paperwork with me but have to type something in here to save the rest.
About Me
At the moment I am travelling Europe with my girlfriend in our converted van. Communicative like I am i turned out to become kind of a jack of all trades permanently interested in learning new skills. In my spare time I like to learn about life hacks, new languages, playing instruments and also non productive stuff like gaming and watching series and movies. I picked up a little about sports, health and nutrition along the way at keeping my own body up and running.
Usually I am quite easy going but engaged to whatever is thrown at me.