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Fiammetta Cerreti



member since Sep 25 2019


My skills

I am a good worker, I love getting my hands dirty; I am highly reliable; I am quite strong and fitted; I am open minded and curious, I love adventure and I don't need so much comfort; I eat everything (but snails and similar stuff); I am both a strongly rational and artistic person; I am quite sensitive, but I know when it is needed to be concrete; I would add that the only thing l really cannot suffer is the close minded people and the extremism of any kind.

Languages Spoken

Italian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Beginner) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

- PHD in mathematics and 9 years working experience as consultant for the European Space Agency

- Teaching experience

- I run for years a B&B in Rome, so I am skilled and used with guests

- I work for 2 months in Vietnam for an NGO (making different distributing food to write manuals)

- I speak Italian, good English, basic French and Spanish (but it will be better!!)

- I have car and motorbike licenses

- I am quite skilled with computers

See my CV on Linkedin: 

About Me

- I am a good horse rider and I love animals in general

- I am a very good-still not professional photographer

- I am a good writer (but yes, this is true in Italian)

- I am an experienced traveler

- I love motorbike riding


Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
