• Group logo of Language Teaching 2309

    Language teaching

  • Group logo of Painting & Decorating 1193

    These are painting and decorating skills applied primarily to structures. See ”Creative” section for artistic/fine art painting skills.

  • Group logo of Entertainment 6829


  • Group logo of Music 1138


  • Group logo of Painter (Creative) 396

    Murals, Portraits, Landscapes, Still Life, etc.

  • Group logo of Office Work 951

    Office Work

  • Group logo of Administrative Assistant 1183

    Administrative assistants/secretaries help to keep an organisation running smoothly, taking care of the administrative and organisational tasks that make the organisation function.

  • Group logo of Proofreader 205

    Some one who checks other peoples work for spelling and punctuation, but does not edit the content and change the contents meaning.

  • Group logo of Blogger 852

    Writing, maintaining, and networking online interactive articles and media catering to a specific audience.

  • Group logo of Movie Extra 1932

    Extras in movies are needed all over the world. Often just being your self is all they need, to sit in the hotel lobby or to be in crowd. Small acting and speaking parts seem to be easer to get when production […]

  • Group logo of Theatre Work 723

    Jobs and experience in live theatre

  • Group logo of Voice-Over Actor 413

    Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking, the […]

  • Group logo of Anthropologist 134

    Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history. So all skills involved in this area should be in this Skill group.

  • Group logo of Journalist 292

    Your write stories for the publication you are working for.

  • Group logo of Museologist 144

    All skills required for setting up and running a museum, including categorising and labelling the objects in the museum in such a way that visitors can understand and absorb the information.