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Emilia Margoni



member since Sep 21 2017


My skills

I am a young italian physicist. I studied at a classical high school, and then I decided to study physics. I just took my master's degree in physics of matter

Languages Spoken

Italian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

Working experiences:
-Synchronized swimming coach:  I used to give synchronized swimming lessons twice a week to children and young people, in the swimming pool “VB Sporting Center”, via dei lupali, Roma (Rm)
-Math and Physics private lessons: I occasionally give high school and universitary private lessons in mathematics and physics
-Apprenticeship in LENS (European Laboratory For Non Linear Spectroscopy:  I made an apprenticeship in LENS (Florence) during the last year of my bachelor's degree about confocal microscopy and its application to neuroscience: the total work lasted one month, for an amount of approximay 200 hours
-Internship in Photoluminescence Spectroscopy on Silicium-Germanium Samples: During a Summer School at the IHP (Innovation for High Performance Microelectronics), I made several analysis on Silicium-based samples, with different growth of Germanium and Superlattice SiC,in order to study changes in the energy gap, both in temperature and power dependance
-Summer School at Janelia(Washington, Virginia):  I made a summer school in Janelia, an institute of Neuroscience near Washington (Virginia, ), about ultra-fast microscopy and its perspectives of application in the biological field. The total work lasted 10 weeks, for an amount of 600 hours

About Me

I am a positive, curious, creative and social person. I love meeting people with different backgrounds and ideas, because I think that cultural exchanges are very enriching and unique occasions of growth. I love reading (from Dostoevskij romances to scientific articles), singing (I love jazz, sould, rock, funky music), playing instruments (piano, guitar, flute), cooking, cleaning. I practically love everything

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
