• Group logo of Home Gardening 1899

    Home gardening expertise

  • Group logo of Home Support 7791

    Caring and support in the home setting.

  • Group logo of Hospitality 12028

    All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.

  • Group logo of Animal Care 1730

    Looking after the welfare of captive animals

  • Group logo of Livestock - Animal Farming 933

    All skills involved with livestock farming: animals handling, feeding and cleaning.

  • Group logo of Entertainment 6828


  • Group logo of Trades 1193

    This covers a wide area of skills. Anyone who has a ’trade’. From building to a metal worker to someone skilled in painting and decorating a house. See sub-skills to find your trade.

  • Group logo of Engineering 1556

    Engineering, When you need something designing as well as it being built.

  • Group logo of House Cleaner 1981

    Cleaners usually either work for a cleaning company and work with a team of cleaners. Or they work for themselves and personally visit each client.

  • Group logo of English Language Teacher (Native Speaker) 793

    You teach English with the included credential that you are a native speaker.