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Diego Silva Pantucci



member since Jun 19 2018


My skills

I’m Diego from Chile and I traveling since four years ago, on South America, Europe and actually in Asia, Thailand, so I want to find volunteers for to do here. I speak languages, I love cook and I can to make anything for to help.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Portuguese (Advanced) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume



Systems Analyst with 8 years of professional experience in the field of information technology, oriented to the analysis, development and management of IT projects, with great capacity to work in teams and in projects of different sizes. Proactive, self-taught professional, with leadership skills and excellent interpersonal relationships, ease of adaptation to new work systems and methodologies, commitment to assigned tasks, contribution of ideas and great support to team members.




The year 2014 I decided to give up my profession and travel to know the world, there are 4 years of travel and experiences in Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil, traveling and working from Patagonia to the beaches of the Pacific and Atlantic, acquiring thus a large amount of new knowledge in hospitality, tourism, gastronomy and sales, high progress and proficiency in languages ​​such as English, Portuguese and French.


Beach Hos, Porto de Galinhas PE Brazil, January to March 2017


● Reception and bar work in rotating shifts in high season

● Sales of walks to the guests (buggy, beaches, diving, boat)

● General maintenance (pool, grass and maintenance)


Vila Canoa, Canoa Quebrada CE Brazil, December 2016 to January 2017


● Waiter in a Ho Pousada / restaurant close to the beach


Enseada Viagens e Turismo, Fortaleza CE Brasil, October to December 2016


● Sales of tourist trips to the main beaches of the northeast

● Buggy rides and boats


Surf Hos, Vila Abraão, Ilha Grande RJ Brazil, May to August 2016


● Reception of the hos located in the center of the island village

● Tour sales to guests and tourists


Caipirinha da Ilha Restaurant, Vila Abraão, Ilha Grande RJ Brazil, May toJune 2016


● Waiter and bartender of a small restaurant and pizzeria


Dejavu Sushi, Pucón Chile, January to February 2016


● Master sushi in well-known Boulevard de Pucón



Princesa Insolente Hostal, Pucón Chile, October to December 2015


● Maintenance work, cleaning among others inside the enclosure


Charkikán, San Pedro de Atacama Chile, March to July 2015


● Kitchen assistant in a typical Chilean restaurant and local food


Oasis Bar, Montañita Ecuador, July to October 2014


● Rental of a cabin bar and restaurant on the beaches of the Pacific, prepared lunches and different snacks at a good price


Insomniac Restaurant Pizzeria, Montañita Ecuador, May to July 2014


● Master pizza maker in clay and wood oven




Superintendency of the Environment (SMA), Santiago Chile, July 2013 to April 2014.


Activities carried out as Programmer Analyst:

● Development of application of Sanctions of the SMA, system dedicated to managing sanctions to entities previously audited by the institution, all the information after the process is finished is published in a public portal. System programmed in MVC4 Razor with C# and SQL Server.

● Use of add-ons such as jQuery, javascript, Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, services.

● Support in different applications already existing in the institution for maintenance and process optimization.


Corpvida, Santiago Chile, November 2012 to June 2013.


Activities carried out as Programmer Analyst:

● Development of the new site for CorpVida clients (), the portal was made in Visual Basic with VS 2010 in 4 layers; Data, Services, Business and Presentation.

● Creation of the mobile site with MVC 4 technology with Razor language, project with a duration of 4 months.

● Implementation of new requirements for both environments of the CorpVida customer site.

● The existing databases are stored in SQL Server 2008 and Oracle engines.


Tisal, Santiago Chile, June 2012 to September 2012.


Activities carried out as Programmer Analyst:

● Maintenance and development of different modules of the Medisyn system, software dedicated to the processing of information from clinics such as Clínica Santa María, Dávila, Vespucio, Indisa, among others, developed in Visual Basic , ASP .Net and Oracle with CMMI2 methodology.

● Development of requirements in for the realization of online payments.

National Institute of Statistics, Santiago Chile, June 2010 to June 2012.


Activities carried out as Programmer Analyst:

● Analysis, development and management of projects for the entry of company information, applications developed in ASP .Net and SQL Server 2005, using tools such as Reporting Services 2005, Crystal Reports 10, AJAX, jQuery, javascript and Services. Some of the main projects developed are the following:

o IPI Industrial Production Index (Electricity, Gas, Water, Mining and Manufacturing Production), this project lasted 18 months.

o National Survey of Industries Annual ENIA 2010.

o Agro Cattle, Fair and Slaughterhouse.

o Wineries, among other projects.

● Use of object-oriented development methodologies with MVC.

● Project support for the change of development policies of the IT Department.

● Support and management of different projects, interacting directly with the client.


Mackenzie Ingeniería e InmobiliariaLtda., Santiago Chile, February 2009 to December 2009.


Activities carried out as a Programmer:

● Development of software made in Visual Basic .Net and SQL Server 2000 for the administration of civil works in progress, personnel and ing of the company, using Crystal Reports for the generation of reports and reports.

● Maintenance of equipment, network and printers of the office.


Inpact, Santiago Chile, January 2008 to January 2009.


Activities carried out as Programmer Analyst and Master:

● Maintenance of the system that manages the Rut in Banco Estado, developed in Visual Basic and SQL Server 2000.

● Analysis, development and management of the Rut system migration project and it is developed in Visual Basic .Net with SQL Server 2000.

● Delivery of statistical reports at the request of the bank.

● Support to the master of Inpact for the update of pages developed under the Joomla platform, working with Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash.

● Creation of a company WAP portal for mobile access with Dreamweaver.


Dunbar International, Santiago Chile, January 2007 to December 2007.


Activities carried out as a practitioner:

● Realization of the work practice and various applications are developed in Visual Basic .Net and SQL Server 2000, some of the projects carried out are the following:

o Digitalization and Fingering of Remits.

o Arcade Truck Route Programming System.

o Programming of loading and unloading of ATMs.

o Backup for database backup.

o Sinacofi file decoder.

● Maintenance of equipment, network, printers, personnel support and installation of a server with Windows Server 2003.



O'Higgins Institute, Santiago Chile, August 2006 to December 2006


Activities performed as Computational Support:

● Maintenance and technical support of the computer room.


ProNetwork Lawyers, Santiago Chile, May 2006 to August 2006


Activities carried out as Master:

● Development of a page in PHP and MySQL, working with Dreamweaver and Fireworks.





● Systems Analysis at the University of Computer Science, 2003 to 2007.

• Titled as Systems Analyst.

● San Ignacio Alonso Ovalle School, Santiago, 1989 to 2001.

• Basic and secondary education.




● Native Spanish

● Advanced English

● Advanced Portuguese

● Intermediate French

● Basic German

● Basic Quechua




● application programming: ASP .Net (5 years of experience), MVC 4, jQuery, Javascript, Razor, PHP, XML.

● Programming Environments: Visual Basic .Net (6 years of experience), C #, VB , Java.

● servers: Apache, IIS.

● Databases: SQL Server, PL / SQL Oracle, MySql, Access.

● Application and BD design: Power Designer, Visio, UML Methodology, TOAD, Oracle SQL Developer.

● Reporting tools: Reporting Services, Crystal Reports.

● Version Control: Visual Source Safe, Tortoise SVN.

● Methodologies: MVC, Object Oriented, CMMI2.

● Operating systems (advanced user): MS-DOS, Windows 2000-XP-7, Win 2003 Server, Linux.

● Design programs: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Fireworks, Freehand, Flash.

● Microsoft Office Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook.

● Knowledge in support of both software and hardware equipment.

● Advanced management in various Windows platform applications.









● Date of Birth: March 12, 1984

● Age: 34 Years.

● RUT:

● : Ismael Edwards Matte 0254, Maipú, Santiago, Chile.

● Nationality: Chilean.

● Marital status: Single.

● Activities of interest: Travel, cooking, photography, music.

About Me

I’m a single person, open mind for to talk everything and with good vibes for to share goods times

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
