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Deanna Sweeney

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Deanna Sweeney



member since Nov 27 2017


My skills

I spent the last three months interning at an off the grid eco village in rural Panama. There I studied outdoor recreation and was a marketing consultant work for a local tour company. My main project was developed sustainable and profit making tours for the company to lead. Prior to Panama I was at an eco-foundation in Nepal where I designed and built a self sufficient hydro-ponic tea farm. Between these travels I've held several office/marketing/customer service jobs. What I'm looking for is a place where I can apply my knowledge, think creatively and constructive.

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

Deanna Sweeney



People-driven, engaged and enthusiastic worker with over 6 years of customer service experience and a strong education in Entrepreneurship & Marketing Communications. Adept at providing exemplary customer service, collaborating with others and communicating confidently. Energetic and goal-oriented with an impressive performance record and a well-rounded background in optimizing marketing performance. Currently seeking a position by demonstrating all skills and abilities as follows:

  • ◆  Customer Engagement

  • ◆  Product Knowledge

  • ◆  Tech Savvy

  • ◆  Display Design

  • ◆ Time Management

    ◆ Complex Problem Solving 

  • ◆ Program Development

  • ◆ Data Analysis

  • ◆ Team Collaboration

  • ◆ Creative Thinking

  • ◆ Key Relationship Building

  •  ◆ Marketing Communications



Kalu Yala Institute · Outdoor Recreation Intern
◆ Responsible for creating and maintaining an outdoor recreation program for people living at an off the grid town in the Panamanian jungle. Established, and was one of the first to hike, a 16-mile loop trail through the jungle. Performed marketing consultation services for a local outdoor outfitters. Planned and developed sustainable trips which will now be offered to clients. 

Harney and Sons · Marketing Assistant
◆  Compiled potential social media influencers as a way to grow brand awareness.

◆  Curated 7,000 user generated Instagram posts for use in future marketing campaigns 

Johnson & Wales University · Graduate Student Assistant 2016 – 2017

◆ Responsible for creating and maintaining an upbeat, welcoming and positive atmosphere while assisting patrons with their needs, as well as using online databases to manage in house collections.

Eastern Mountain Sports · Sales Associate 2015

◆  Assisted customers with outfitting needs, developed technical knowledge of outdoor gear and worked as main point of for the company.

◆  Deepened industry knowledge, via hands on immersion, by participating in rock climbing and paddling excursions sponsored by the company.

Bates Northern Farm · Store Manager

◆  Oversaw book keeping, day to day operations and interactions with customers.

◆  Designed and developed store displays and floor layouts.


    Johnson & Wales University

  • MBA (Nov. 2017): Alpha Beta Kappa National Honor Society

  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship & Marketing Communications (Nov. 2016): Suma Cum Laude


Sustainability, Community Engagement and Leadership in Nepal: Studied Sustainability and Community Engagement at an eco-foundation in Nepal. Focused on the impact of outdoor recreation and backpacking on an economy and ecosystem. Designed and developed a hydroponic tea farm.

Johnson & Wales Go Green Campaign: Developed an on campus campaign to cut costs by encouraging students to print less. Promoted a campus wide sense of ecological awareness and paper saving. Met with University leaders to better understand the University’s needs and means. Analyzed printing statistics in order to accuray direct our efforts. Designed fliers, computer backgrounds, and social media posts.

Whatsgood Application: Conducted market research critical to the growth and promotion of a developing app. Dealt with confidential information. Handled site visits to gain in on potential partners. Compiled and presented findings to app creators in a professional and informative manner.


Johnson & Wales Outing Club – Founder & President

◆  Pitched an idea to the University and single-handedly created the Johnson & Wales Outing Club.

◆  Coordinated and led outings for students that encouraged physical activity, a respect for the outdoors and sustainability.

◆  Helped connect students with a similar passion and fostered an on-campus community of outdoor lovers.

Creative Problem Solving Process Certification (Jun. 2016): Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI Conference) 

About Me

My name is Deanna and I recently graduated with an MBA. I'm from the states but have spent the last six months traveling and working at places related to sustainability. Most recently I was living in the Panamanian jungle. This meant no hot water, no walls, solar powered electricity and constant immersion in nature. It was bizarre, challenging, but totally worth it.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
