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Davidson Ramalho



member since Aug 26 2015


My skills

I`m Classic guitar and keyboard player and a singer ;I`m English speaker and a Portuguese native speaker;I do swimming,Thai Boxing and brazilian jiu jitsu and Recently I just passed to be a Marine next year.

Languages Spoken

Portuguese (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

I Speak English and Portuguese and a bit of Spanish
I worked as a clerk at a shop
I'm a musician
I have some social Skills due to some projects at my church

About Me

My Name is Davidson Ramalho,I'm a Brazilian from Rio de janeiro,I'm 18 years old and Just tired of all it's happening in my life currently,I've just found out about this site and I thought,Why not? Well I speak 2 languages fluently,I'm a musician and I can manage to be other things if the situation I'm in needs to.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
