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Claire MacDiarmid


member since Oct 11 2015

My skills

My name is Claire, and I am currently working in Sydney, Australia as a full time Personal Trainer.

In the opinion of both myself and my current and past employers, my most valuable skill is that of communication. I excel in both expressing myself eloquently, and connecting with other individuals partly through my previous study of personality profiling within the DISC behavioural style model.

My work currently focuses on emotions and education as the primary vehicles for change, and as such my communicative skills have seen me achieve great success with my clients in terms of fitness and strength, but particularly in the field of weight loss. I have many clients who have lost upwards of 15-20kgs with some having lost 35-40kgs. This is in part due to my focus on developing a close relationship with my clients and coaching them towards establishing more positive, healthy habits.

Additionally, i am responsible for taking consults with prospective clients and converting these individuals and have a high success rate. I have a great deal of sales experience and would enjoy any employment opportunities within a sales role within any context.

My other skills include nutrition coaching, prospecting for new clients, sales training with junior trainers, forming and maintaining business affiliations, publishing articles and a monthly newsletter for our studio, and all administrative and programming that comes with operating at a high level within a fitness business.

I thrive out of my comfort zone, constantly pursue my own education and personal development, and am an extremely diligent and dedicated worker

Languages Spoken

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Full CV / Resume

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About Me

I am an extremely outgoing, positive person. Rarely am I seen to not be smiling and I have a genuine love of life. I live by two quotes: "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" and "danger is very real, fear is a choice". These quotes perfectly reflect my "no fear, no regrets" attitude towards throwing myself wholeheartedly into new challenges and experiences and having faith in my ability to turn any situation into something wonderful.

I have an adventurer's spirit and I love having new experiences and making things happen. I am also very ambitious and focused. I love working and performing to the best of my ability 100% of the time. I also perform very well under pressure and love rising to a challenge.

While I am very social and love connecting with peopleIi also enjoy time to myself. I am an avid reader; I could easily live without evision but I need literature. I read a diverse range of fiction from thriller to fantasy, but i also genuinely enjoy personal development specifically in the realms of personal growth and leadership ( Tony Robbins and John C Maxwell). I love music and trained for many years as a jazz singer. I love theatre having attended a performing arts high school and have trained in theatre myself. I also very much enjoy writing and being out in nature as I have recently taken up meditation, I find activities such as writing and drawing to be very cathartic as I often find my brain buzzing through life too quickly so I try to take some time every day to enjoy life and breathe.

In essence, I really just love life more than almost anyone I have ever met.

Where I am available for work and when

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