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Celia Carral

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Celia Carral Amenedo



member since Apr 27 2019


My skills

I am a person with little work experience, I have only worked caring for children. but I consider myself very good working as a team and above all, I really want to learn. I like traveling a lot and I am interested in the environment.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) French (Advanced) English (Advanced) German (Beginner) Galician (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

I have worked taking care of children, I have also attended several congresses in Spain on student representation in which we have also visited companies from different sectors and we learn to help students, for example, to find work, or we teach them new leading sectors in engineering industrial.

I have also participated in 2 exchanges with French students.

Currently I am part of an organization called School Board, in which changes are decided to improve the quality of teaching in the university.

About Me

I am a very friendly and cheerful person. In my spare time I like to do sports, like swimming or boxing. I like listening to almost all kinds of music, and also festivals. I also like animals and play with them.

I am a creative person too, I like to write small texts and also photography.

I love to travel and meet new cultures and learn from them, my dream is to know India and Thailand being backpacker.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
