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Catalina Mendieta Suarez

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Catalina Mendieta



member since May 18 2016


My skills

Student of Social Communication and Political Science at the Javeriana University.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

- Colegio Santa María: 2006 - 2011
- Javeriana University: 2011 - Race of Social Communication
- Javeriana University: 2012 - Race of Political Science
- Javeriana University: 2013 - Emphasis Journalism Career Social Communication
- Javeriana University: 2015 - Emphasis on Citizen Participation in Political Science career.

1. Publications written in the magazine Direct Bogotá:
- Issue # 52 - March 2016: Cape loose "That tramacazo so painful"
- "Confronted by nature" - March 17 - 2016:
- "Cabal The sperm whale" - March 14, 2016:
- "The 12 apostles were thrown Holy Week" - March 25, 2016:
2. photographic publications in the magazine Direct Bogotá:
- March 29, 2016 -
- March 17, 2016 -
3. Publication in the newspaper "El Espectador"
- Anti editorial "Much Boo" - Print Media February 8, 2016
- Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Adobe Audition
- Spanish: Language mater
- English: IELTS approved. Language Studies (English) at LSI Boston - USA. Level: Advanced

About Me

Student of Social Communication and Political Science at the Javeriana University. Person with skills for teamwork, persistent, and oriented to results; with a high work ethic and study. Fascinated by critics, politics, communications, and social support.

Where I am available for work and when

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