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Carlos Afonso



member since Jan 25 2019


My skills

Nature lover | Architect and graphic designer | Volunteer |

Languages Spoken

Portuguese (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Spanish (Beginner) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume


Carlos Afonso | Porto, Portugal | Male - 25 Sep 1988 | +351 913 096 246 | 

|||||||||||||||||||||||| EDUCATION AND TRAINNING »»»

Sep 2005 - Jun 2008 | Communication and Multimedia Design |||

Sep 2010 - Jun 2014 | Bachelor in Architecture Basic Sciences |||

Sep 2014 - Nov 2017 | Master in Architecture |||

Mar 2018 - Aug 2018 | Entrepreneurship course

||||||||||||||||||||||||| WORK EXPERIENCE »»»

Dec 2007 - Jun 2008 | Internship in Graphic Design |||

Apr 2009 - April 2010 | Textile Designer |||

Nov 2012 - Jul 2014 | Snack-bar employee |||

Jul - Sep 2013 | Former in Textile Design |||

Jun 2017 - Aug 2017 | Waiter and kitchen clerk |||

Oct 2016 - Jun 2017 | Dental Care Promoter

||||||||||||||||||||||||| OTHER EXPERIENCES AND SKILLS »»»

Sep 2007 - Jun 2008 | President of the students’ association |||

Oct - Dec 2008 | English language basic course (50h) |||

Mar - Apr 2011 | Photoshop and AutoCAD course (50h) |||

May 2012 | Drawing workshop for children (2 days) |||

Mai 2015 – juil 2015 | Volunteer support for the elderly person |||

Oct 2015 - Jan 2017 | Co-Founder and member of Casa do Ousado (cultural and co-working space) |||

Jan - Mar 2016 | Participation in an entrepreneurship formation of Junior Achievement Portugal |||

Sep 2016 | New students’ receiver (3 days) |||

Set 2016 | Participation in Entrepreneurship Conference Days (SPIN) (3 days) |||

Apr - Jul 2017 | Volunteering with economic and social needed people to rebuild a small house in Porto |||

Sep 2018 - Oct 2018 | Volunteer for Human Rights and Youth (European Solidarity Corps) in Greece

||||||||||||||||||||||||| PRIZES AND DISTINCTIONS »»»

Oct 2015 | Final Group Project selected to integrate the faculty annual exhibition for best works |||

Jun 2017 | 2nd Prize in Architectural Competition about auto-sustainable cabins |||

Sep 2018 | Entrepreneurship bag worth to create a StartUp

|||||||||||||||||||||||||| TECHNICAL SKILLS / COMPUTER SKILLS »»»

Graphic design - 7 (in 10) | Crafts and model-making - 7  | 3D design - 6 | Hand drawing - 6 | MS Office - 5 | Wordpress - 2

|||||||||||||||||||||||||| LANGUAGE SKILLS »»»

Portuguese - native | English - B2 (independent user) | Spanish - A2 (basic user) | French - A1 (initial user) | Italian - A1 (initial user) |

|||||||||||||||||||||||||| SOFT SKILLS »»»

Creativity, communication, team work, sociability |


Meditation; music; smile; walk; nature

||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DRIVING LICENCE »»»

B1, B

About Me

I am a cooperative, diplomatic, friendly and sociable person and I like nature and outdoor activities, cooperation and social work. I am an arts person and I appreciate the beauty, truth and justice.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
