I have a degree in Studio Arts. I work with oil, acrylic, and spray paint. I have sold a few pieces and have has 2 art shows.
Languages Spoken
English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Beginner)
Full CV / Resume
I graduated from Simpson College with a Studio Art degree. I work with oil, acrylic, and spray paint. I have sold a few pieces of my work recently. I am looking to do any kind of painting jobs for money. I have painted a sign for a lawyers office, a commissioned piece of a football stadium, and everything from realities works to abstract.
About Me
Outside of work you can usually find me painting, drawing, or outside trying to get new ideas for paintings.
Where I am available for work and when
Available for work - Travelling - not available
Work and travel the world using your skills to gain work experience and references for a good job back home