Blair Ann
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Blair Goll
member since Sep 9 2015
My skills
I am a skilled worker, barista, waitress, teacher, and caretaker. I have worked in the foodservice industry for over 10 years, and I have been working with children and students for 8 years. I am passionate about people and cultures. I have worked with students in camps, daycares, schools, and one-on-one tutoring sessions.
Languages Spoken
English (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Beginner) Thai (Beginner)Full CV / Resume
Blair Berhow-Goll
2275 243rd St.
Ventura, IA 50482
Education Bachelor of Arts, Central College, Pella, IA, May 2014
Initial Secondary Social Studies License
5-12 World History, 5-12 Psychology, 5-12 Sociology
Major: Social Sciences/Secondary Education
Minor: Psychology
TESOL Certified
Honors Central College Dean’s List, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
English Teacher, Plookpanya School, Korat, Thailand, October 2014-present
• Taught English to grades 3-6, and Kindergarten
• Experienced a new culture and educational system
• Guided students through an EIL curriculum (English as an International Language)
Student Teacher, Curie Metro High School, Chicago, IL, Spring 2014
• Taught 12th grade Sociology, and 9th grade World Studies
• Observed teaching styles, assisted students in group work, led discussions, generated reviews
• Incorporated Common Core Standards and College Readiness Standards into lesson plans and
unit plans.
Waitress/Bartender, PM Park and Tiki Bar, Clear Lake, IA, June 2004-September 2015
Barista, Smokey Row Coffee Company, Pella, IA, September 2012-May 2014
Teaching/Classroom Observations, Pella, IA, and surrounding rural area, Fall 2010-2013
• Taught 6th/7th/8th grade Social Studies
• Co-taught 7th grade Social Studies - interacted and assisted small groups of students.
• Observed classrooms of all ages and myriad with emphasis on secondary history.
Service Learning, Knoxville Alternative High School, Knoxville, IA, Fall 2011
• Tutored high school students in math and social studies, 2 hours a week
• Assisted with teaching high school level math and social studies in the classroom.
Service Learning, Hispanic Educational Resource Center, Des Moines, IA, Fall 2011
• Interacted with Spanish-speaking students with basic Spanish
• Guided students in game and craft activities
Campus Leadership Student Manager, Central Dining Services, Central College, Pella, IA, Fall 2010-present
• Supervise student workers in dish-room, pots and pans, and the Market main floor.
• Train students in food preparation, food service, and cleanliness standards.
Action Team, Campus Ministries, Central College, Pella, IA, 2011-Present
• Collaborate with other students in supporting and challenging students to support others and
view beyond their own perspective.
• Supported a Burmese family from Des Moines, visited them and played with their children
Freshman Bible Study, Central College, Pella, IA, 2012-Present
• Organized and led a Bible study for freshmen women; helped them to adapt to college life
with the view of Christ in their daily lives
Experience with Children and Leadership
Resident Advisor, Youth Emergency Services and Shelter, Des Moines, IA, May 2013-Dec. 2013
• Learned Safety Crisis Management and became a Medication Manager
• Supervised youth in daily activities
• Lead group sessions where the youth delved into themselves and their goals
Youth Group Leader, Liberty Evangelical Free Church, Pella, IA, 2011-Dec. 2013
• Guided junior high girls and boys in physical activities, Bible lessons and group discussions
The Vine-College Ministry, Rhythm Church, Mason City, IA, Summer 2011
• Founded and led the ministry of college students
• Organized meetings, activities, and Biblical content
Camp Counselor, Hidden Acres, Dayton, IA, Summers 2005-2010
• Guided female campers, K-12, in social, spiritual, and physical development
• Taught lessons, developed activities for learning, and played teamwork building games
Central College Abroad, Bangor, Wales, Spring 2012
• Learned and lived in another culture; adapted to unfamiliar surroundings, new perspectives
• Participated in “Outdoor Pursuits,” climbed mountains, sea-level traversed, surfed, etc.
• Navigated public transportation and logistics while traveling around Europe
• Developed organizational and budgeting skills in creating travel plans and expenses
English Camps, International Messengers, Odessa, Ukraine, March 2007-2010 and Mohacs,
Hungary, August 2011
• Taught English to local residents
Skills Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Photoshop
Proficient with Google Docks/Forms/Sites/Drive etc., DropBox, Smart Boards, Jing, Symbaloo,
Socrative, EdModo, Wordle, Tagxedo, Prezi, Poll Everywhere, Voki, and EduCanon.
Certified in Medication Management (June, 2013)
Certified in Safety Crisis Management (June, 2013)
About Me
I am a dedicated worker, and looking to experience new cultures and the people and lives in them. I am a licensed teacher and my experiences are worth having around.