1 Followers 5 Following

Belinda, 27, Sydney

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Belinda Wong



member since Aug 31 2017


My skills

Briefly: I am a 27 , university educated Social Worker / Community Development Worker from Sydney. Currently on a career break.


Previous roles: tutor and educator; waitress; receptionist; events management; animal handler.

Strengths: Outstanding communication skills and people skills. Fast learner and effective problem solver. Organized and efficient. Enjoys working in a team.

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Will provide on request, and on a case-by-case basis.

About Me

Interests: I enjoy food, art, film. I am happiest amongst animals and in nature.

Personality/ temperament: Friends describe me as warm, genuine, kind and goofy once you get to know me. I enjoy one-to-one conversations: connecting with people, hearing about their journeys, their challenges, and their dreams for the future. However, I do also need some time to myself. I would not describe myself as extroverted or the life of the party.

Travel philosophy and objectives:

(1) Traveling for me is less about ticking off the sights, and more about the people I meet, the conversations we have,  and the insights and wisdom we pick up along the way. (2) Cultural immersion. To connect with locals, exchange ideas, learn about their culture and customs. To bridge cultural differences and misconceptions. (3) Eye opening experiences. To broaden my horizons, and open my eyes to other ways of living, other philosophies of being and existence. Life in a large city life Sydney can be incredibly microcosmic; sometimes physically transplanting yourself into a different environment where everything is unfamiliar and different, is necessary to gain perspective.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
