• Group logo of Home Gardening 1898

    Home gardening expertise

  • Group logo of Harvesting 2970

    Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, […]

  • Group logo of Mechanical 255

    A mechanic is an artisan, skilled tradesperson, or technician who uses tools to build, maintain, or repair machinery.

  • Group logo of Engineering 1556

    Engineering, When you need something designing as well as it being built.

  • Group logo of Proofreader 205

    Some one who checks other peoples work for spelling and punctuation, but does not edit the content and change the contents meaning.

  • Group logo of Hotel General Manager 1483

    All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.

  • Group logo of Movie Extra 1932

    Extras in movies are needed all over the world. Often just being your self is all they need, to sit in the hotel lobby or to be in crowd. Small acting and speaking parts seem to be easer to get when production […]

  • Group logo of Landscape Photographer 658

    Landscape Photography

  • Group logo of Hotel Back of House 1010

    All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.

  • Group logo of Voice-Over Actor 413

    Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking, the […]

  • Group logo of Potato Picker 984

    Working by hand or with machines to harvest potatoes out of the ground.

  • Group logo of Personal Blogging 372

    Someone who is writing a blog about their travels, at the same time making money ( or attempting to) from the content they are producing.