• Group logo of Hotel Back of House 1011

    All skills needed in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe that does not require you to deal with guests. So cleaning work, and help with running the hotel from the inside.

  • Group logo of Hotel General Manager 1484

    All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.

  • Group logo of Hospitality 12028

    All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.

  • Group logo of Harvesting 2968

    Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, […]

  • Group logo of Serving / Waitering 1699

    Waiting tables in a bar / club / restaurant

  • Group logo of Modelling 932

    Professional models, or people just willing to be photographed / videos in hotel brochure shots etc.

  • Group logo of Administrative Assistant 1183

    Administrative assistants/secretaries help to keep an organisation running smoothly, taking care of the administrative and organisational tasks that make the organisation function.

  • Group logo of Kitchen Assistance 716

    If you don’t have experience, you are at least willing to do whatever you are told to do in the kitchen. Perhaps you’re not trained but you want to learn. So do as the chef tells you. Keep your eyes and ears open […]

  • Group logo of House Cleaner 1981

    Cleaners usually either work for a cleaning company and work with a team of cleaners. Or they work for themselves and personally visit each client.

  • Group logo of Babysitter 1765


  • Group logo of Au Pair 955

    An au pair is a helper from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family’s responsibility for childcare as well as some housework, and […]

  • Group logo of Dishwasher 540

    You are starting at the bottom, but you want to get into cooking, so…. this is your way in. You wash the dishes.

  • Group logo of Hotel Housekeeper (Manager) 2103

    Housekeeping Management

  • Group logo of Personal Blogging 372

    Someone who is writing a blog about their travels, at the same time making money ( or attempting to) from the content they are producing.

  • Group logo of Journalist 292

    Your write stories for the publication you are working for.