Advertising specialists are tasked with managing and implementing advertising and marketing programs, product catalogs, external communications, and email campaigns. They coordinate and guide the creative […]
An SEO expert (also known as an “SEO specialist”) is someone that optimizes websites in order to achieve higher search engine rankings. Put another way: An SEO expert is someone that knows how to get more tra […]
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; user interface design; authoring, including […]
IT, From installing a hostel wifi network to work out why the CCTV does not record.
If you don’t have experience, you are at least willing to do whatever you are told to do in the kitchen. Perhaps you’re not trained but you want to learn. So do as the chef tells you. Keep your eyes and ears open […]
A chef is a trained professional cook and tradesman who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation, often focusing on a particular cuisine.
All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.
Maybe we should put this in the ” It’s a tuff job but someone has to do it” section. This job normally involves setting up the entertainment for guests every night. So planning where to take them, who is doing […]
You have experience as a private, one-to-one guide hired for exclusive guiding of an individual, couple, family, business group, etc.
Extras in movies are needed all over the world. Often just being your self is all they need, to sit in the hotel lobby or to be in crowd. Small acting and speaking parts seem to be easer to get when production […]
You have these skilled capabilities both remotely and in on-location conditions.
Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking, the […]
You teach English with the included credential that you are a native speaker.
Someone who is writing a blog about their travels, at the same time making money ( or attempting to) from the content they are producing.
All skills required for setting up and running a museum, including categorising and labelling the objects in the museum in such a way that visitors can understand and absorb the information.
Teaching and/or tutoring in the French language focusing on grammar and vocabulary.
This is a non-cooking role on the kitchen line. An expediter is the person in charge of organising orders by table, and garnishing the dishes before the server takes them out to the dining room. An expeditor is […]