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Sally Labib



member since Apr 9 2016


My skills

Very Strong Interpersonal Skills / Highly Developed Written and Verbal Communication Skills

- Software / IT
- Marketing
- Hospitality

- Management
- Project Management
- Digital Production

- Post-Graduate (Linguistics)
- Bachelor of Art (Sociocultural Anthropology)
- OSSD (Ontario Secondary School; Bilingual Proficiency)

- extraverted
- detail-oriented
- curious

- Children's Aid Foundation
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Women's Shelter (various)

Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) French (Advanced) Arabic (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

I am a typical social butterfly; my passion is LEARNING and I love to find new ways to do so - I am infiniy invigorated by new people, new places, and new cultures.

I spent the first 18 years of my life as a musician: piano, at first, and eventually picking up guitar, and some various brass/woodwinds. My real concentration was my vocal training - I even performed on-stage with Disney, for a brief stint, as a teen!

I love technology: as a novice coder, I am really enjoying building my knowledge base of backend programming languages (right now, Rails) while I am continuing to finesse my minimal design skills in CSS and the like. I'm grateful to have spanned Canada and Australia in this industry and to have gained the knowledge and experience from both - each with a unique perspective - that have helped shaped me into an open-minded student, able to appreciate the multitude of information sources.

Last, but not least, I love FOOD. (I. LOVE. FOOD.): with a deep-rooted connection to our culture, I've always contended that food is representative of life. From its production, to its consumption (and the whirlwind in between), food is increasingly an intensely political conversation which needs to be illuminated to the masses. Simultaneously, food is art (more 'food is life'): it's a feast for the senses - engaging our sight, smell, taste, even sizzling sounds can whet our appetite while chefs use a dish as blank canvass to entice the aesthetic pleasures of the very act that helps keeps us alive (with breathing, and stuff).

Otherwise, I like sports, fashion, and most other leisure activities; I like to talk, I like to explore, and more than anything, as aforementioned, I'm just looking to LEARN.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
