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Ariel de Carvalho

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Ariel de Carvalho



member since Nov 20 2016


My skills

I am a Brazilian student of Tourism. I have some experiences teaching and translating, and can speak Portuguese (native), English (proficient), French (basic-intermediate) and Spanish (basic).

Languages Spoken

Portuguese (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) French (Medium) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Ariel de Carvalho Santos
Brazilian, 22 years
: Rua Heitor Chiarello 914 Ribeirão Preto – SP - Brazil
Cell: +5518981703025 E-mail:


• High School - Escola Estadual Coronel João de Souza Campos in Cravinhos - SP (completed in 2012).
• Undergraduate in Tourism – São Paulo State University - UNESP (4th semester as of 2016).


• Portuguese - Native
• English – Proficient (CPE – Cambridge, 2014).
• Spanish – Basic.
• French – Basic/Intermediate.
• Experience in living abroad – Lived in England for 1 month (2012).


• Worked at the 57th Fórum Nacional de Reitores da ABRUEM (ABRUEM National Forum of University Deans) in the city de São Paulo – SP in 2015 as a member of the staff through UNESP.
• Worked at CAUR (UNESP Rosana Alternative Prep School), teaching history for the local high school students as part of an university project during 8 months.


• Knows how to drive manual cars.
• Willingness to learn new skills and acquire knowledge.
• Passion for public speaking, body language and communication skills.
• Passion for technology and electronics.

About Me

My name is Ariel de Carvalho Santos, I am a Brazilian undergraduate in Tourism who is fascinated by different cultures, My hobbies are learning languages and practicing sports, specially martial arts. I also like subjects involving technology and communication/self improvement.

My goals working abroad are to learn new languages, get immersed in new cultures and acquire work experience.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
