• Group logo of Restaurants / Catering 1532

    This category includes all forms of experience in restaurants and catering, from the professional with years of formal training to the fresh hire.

  • Group logo of Hostel Worker 3388

    All skills specific to working in Hostels. Receptionists, Marketing, My-allocator – its all here. Skills that hostels needs like plumbers, web designers etc. you will find in their own skill set sections and not here.

  • Group logo of Home Gardening 1860

    Home gardening expertise

  • Group logo of Animal Care 1697

    Looking after the welfare of captive animals

  • Group logo of Events 3997

    Events that have an audience and are live. This can be a festival to a car launch or a party for a King on a desert island.

  • Group logo of Tour Guiding 797

    All the roles involved in tour guiding or tour operation.

  • Group logo of Sport 5620


  • Group logo of Boats & Yachts 723

    This is a major category for working travellers – in this section you’ll find all the skills necessary to work on a boat, yacht, crew or cruise ship.