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Andrea Chavez: photographer

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Andrea Chavez Ruiz



member since May 9 2016


My skills

I have worked in a lot of events inside my university, as camerawoman, stage manager, producer, director, writer, talent wrangler, and talent supervisor, one of them being an international film festival for students called FICU Lanterna (2014-2015) as well as in major events produced by MTVLA and Nickelodeon, for the MTV Millenial Awards and the Kid's Choice Awards of 2015.
I have a profesional camera and I consider myself a good photographer, I know the basics of Photoshop but I prefer not to use it.
I know how to use Prezi, Microsoft Office and Indesign. I know how to use almost every app related to social media, specially the ones I do have an with, Instagram being my favorite. I can sing and dance but not professionally. I speak spanish, english and some italian. I'm responsable, respectable, mature and commited to what I sign for.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Italian (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

I have worked in a lot of events inside my university, as camerawoman, stage manager, producer, director, writer, talent wrangler, and talent supervisor, one of them being an international film festival for students called FICU Lanterna (2014-2015) as well as in major events produced by MTVLA and Nickelodeon, for the MTV Millenial Awards and the Kid's Choice Awards of 2015.
I have a profesional camera and I consider myself a good photographer, I know the basics of Photoshop but I prefer not to use it.
I know how to use Prezi, Microsoft Office and Indesign. I know how to use almost every app related to social media, specially the ones I do have an with, Instagram being my favorite. I can sing and dance but not professionally. I speak spanish, english and some italian. I'm responsable, respectable, mature and commited to what I sign for. I believe I have people skills and quick learning skills, I'm open to learn new things, new talents, new endeavors.

About Me

I am 24 years-old, Mexican-Spanish, about to finish University in the degree of Communication and Filmmaking. I love movies, all kinds, except scary movies; I can watch indie movies, block busters etc., documentaries depend on the subject. Some of my hobbies are reading, my favorite authors being Jane Austen and Cecilia Ahern, and writing when I feel inspired. I also love photography, cities and landscapes are my favorites, and I'm pretty sure I would like to specialize in Cinematography for that matter, and also one day Directing and try some acting. Clearly, I love to travel, and I have specific destinations and things I want to do before I die, my bucket list, and even though this experience was not on my list 'cause I didn't know about it, I think it would be a great new bullet point on my list. I'm usually really quiet and unsocial at first, I'm shy and don't mind to be lonely, but after a while of adjusting I'm social and open. I'm catholic and a little bit conservative, I say this because that is what usually people think when saying where I'm from and my religion, but I consider myself half and half, I respect everybody for who they are and their actions not their preferences, nationalities or religion. I treat people the way I'd would like to be treated, with respect and tolerance. I have lived by myself for sometime now, and I also shared bedrooms and apartments, so I'm used to sharing, as long as they are clean and respectful.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
