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Ana Biavatti



member since Dec 9 2016


My skills

Ana Biavatti, Brazilian, Social Psychologist and Entrepreneurship expert. I have lived, worked and studied in Brazil, Italy and Mozambique. Empowering communities and promoting economic and social development through entrepreneurial activities is my main skill and I would love to share it with your community. Feel free to me, I am happy to negotiate barter points when the project is really meaningful.

Languages Spoken

Portuguese (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Italian (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

My name is Ana, I am Brazilian and I love to travel and get to know new cultures.

Empowering communities and promoting economic and social development through entrepreneurial activities is my main skill and I would love to share it with your community. I have a degree in Psychology (Brazil) and studies in Business and Entrepreneurship (Italy). I have lived, worked and studied in Brazil, Italy and Mozambique. I am fluent in Portuguese (native) , English and Italian. I currently have a business in Rio de Janeiro that teaches Entrepreneurship and Business fundamentals to kids and teens ("Empreenda Sonhos - Oficina de Negocinhos"), as a tool for economic development and social transformation. Through my project, I teach kids to value, follow and achieve their dreams through entrepreneurial activities that will also improve their communities.

I am also the local coordinator for the "Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project" in Brazil, supporting cities to improve their local entrepreneurial environment and to promote business and economic growth.

These are some links in English about my work : - Video: Prof. Dan Isenberg (Babson College Boston) on the importance of entrepreneurial education since early age and Empreenda Sonhos - Oficina de Negocinhos' mission:  - Empreenda Sonhos - Oficina de Negocinhos at "Projeto Karanba de Futebol": - Empreenda Sonhos - Oficina de Negocinhos: Interview to   - Empreenda Sonhos - Oficina de Negocinhos on The Rio Times:  Feel free to me .

About Me

Hello! My name is Ana, I am Brazilian and I love to travel and get to know new cultures! I am a social psychologist and compley in love for economic development and entrepreneurship. I have lived, worked and studied in Brazil, Italy and Mozambique. I speak Portuguese, English and Italian. I currently have a business in Rio de Janeiro that teaches Entrepreneurship and Business fundamentals to kids and teens, as a tool for economic development and social transformation. Through my project, I teach kids to value and follow their dreams! I love movies, creativity, food and chubby cats 🙂


Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
