Ali yousef
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Ali Alanzan
member since May 14 2023
My skills
I working since I was 11 years old
I worked in sales. Hos. Repairing mobile , programming for the last 6 years
I live in Egypt. My job in coding makes me hurts to my hands. And my eyes tired.
I'm very healthy man, sport lover. Kids lover. And I'm super learner
I'll like to work as volunteer im anything that gives me new life. And new culture. New community. New knowledge. And living for people and with new people
I'm looking for volunteering opportunity to travel
Languages Spoken
Arabic (Mother Tongue) English (Mother Tongue)Full CV / Resume
Electronics Engineering 2 years diploma
Math department high school
Self-study in programming & coding & multi other aspects of life
About Me
Swimming. Gym. Reading. Playing. Cleaning my room
Learning. Working with community.
Serving nature. Travel. Working in traveling
Serving good people
Can do anything to make good things for others