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Alex Beckerley



member since Jun 13 2019


My skills

I am a masters graduate, with experience working in a hectic hos in Edinburgh, experience as a legal assistant, first aid trainer, and tutor of biology and philosophy. And I love to play guitar.


Languages Spoken

English (Mother Tongue) French (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume




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I've had a bunch of varied jobs. Within hospitality, I worked on reception at Safestay Hos in Edinburgh for a year, whilst completing my masters degree. I arranged and processed reservations, gave travelling advice, sold products, and dealt directly with all guest matters during their stay. Insofar as this hos was right in the centre of a very busy city for tourism, especially during the Fringe Festival in August, it was integral that I be patient, spontaneous, and thoughtful to the guests, and work well within a team. I was awarded top salesperson twice for Safestay Hoss across four locations around the UK in 2018. Overall, it was a great experience and I still keep in close with many of the staff.

For 6 years, I worked part time as a legal assistant for a law firm, I assisted barristers throughout court cases with note taking and client meetings. I kept clients informed on the trial process, gave them comfort at a very stressful time, and ensured the smooth procedure of the legal counsel.

For over two years, I have worked as a tutor of biology and philosophy. I typically need to formulate novel explanations for concepts that the student has hitherto failed to understand. I give motivation and spark enthusiasm for the subject.

Beyond this, I have volunteered as a first aid trainer in Kenya for the charity First Aid Africa. This took place over 6 weeks and involved working within a team to provide much needed education to groups of people of varying ages and language abilities, against very gruelling, and sometimes highly dangerous conditions (I personally contracted malaria). 

Overall, these experiences have made me good working with people, able to stay calm to solve difficult problems against distractions of all kinds. Moreover, they show that I can work hard whilst being at ease and enjoy myself with other people. 

As an undergraduate, I studied abroad at State University of New York, New Paltz, and achieved a GPA. Overall, I achieved a First-Class degree with Honours in Philosophy from Cardiff University. Then a Distinction in MSc Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. 

About Me

I love to read and write, both fiction and non-fiction. I especially love horror writers like Stephen King. I love films of all kinds (couldn't possibly list a favourite), and can talk about them for hours. I play guitar (I have 6, mostly electric), and mostly I play blues and rock. I enjoy exploring and hiking new places - anything adventurous!


Overall, I'd say that I like to be open to different ideas and ways of living, and for that reason, I love meeting people from other cultures. Slight cliché, but life is short, so in general I stay calm in most situations, and try to get the best out of whatever situation I find myself in. I prefer to laugh rather than to take offence. It seems absurd to make yourself miserable when you can choose to be positive!

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
