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Alex Rodriguez



member since Mar 16 2018


My skills

Actually I'm ending my formation in fashion design and pattern making and currently doing my final work and practice job here in Perugia.

I have worked before as costume maker assistant in some film and serie productions in Spain

Other kind of joins I have done are teaching spanish and german to english speakers as assistant, in a place I wasn't contracted, Spain is sometimes like this.

My first job were in a videogames event in Madrid where I had the opportunity in a early age of know people from all over the world and increase my language skills.

In summer and Easter I take part as monitor in a Organization that plan summer vacation for people with Functional diversity, so carry with wheelchairs, and take part in every activity made me realise how a hard job really is.

I speak fluently Spanish, English and German while I'm learning Italian while I'm working, completing tasks in my every day routine and doing exercises in the Erasmus platform .

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) German (Medium) Italian (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

My main hobbies are playing the bass guitar and design fashion models, specially from haute couture, I usually send my drawings to design contests, so my hobby kind of helps me to get better in my future.

I also love to meet my friends and have a good afternoon plan after the daily tasks, it's my favourite plan to do after a hard work day.

Im really into music as said and I usually meet friends to go out to a jam bar and play some music in a comfortable place.

Usually, when there are upcoming art events or collections I usually go to see them, I enjoy art a lot.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
