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Adriana Peirano



member since Sep 21 2015


My skills

I'm a dentist, a profession that I practice freeline.
In my life I have done many volunteer and parallel activities with the intention always learn new things ... alternative cures from plants in the Amazon, in India yoga and reiki, massage and physiotherapy in Italy, etc.
Moreover applying my professional knowledge, balanced nutrition, hygiene, disease prevention, etc.
Elders attended with different diseases.
Since childhood my Italian grandparents taught me to cultivate the garden, I've had in different places I've lived. I like planifificar the garden according to the weather conditions of the place and on the other hand at the time of harvest various canned products listed are made.
Clean and housekeeping in hos
I love to travel, I did from 6 months now and this alternative to work and travel seems explendida !!!
All experencia is good to increase our inner growth and have more chance of being useful to others.

Languages Spoken

Spanish (Mother Tongue) Italian (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume

My CV is expressed in the previous paragraph.
It is very difficult to synthesize the diversity of work and times of my life I made.

About Me

I require accommodation and meals

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
