• Group logo of Hotel General Manager 1484

    All skills required for the front of house in a hotel, hostel, restaurant, cafe etc. Any skill that requires you to deal with the guests should be in this group. If it is not, contact WT and let us know what is missing.

  • Group logo of Hospitality 12029

    All things Tourism & Hospitality. Hotels, catering and everything else involved in taking care of people when on holiday or out and about in their city.

  • Group logo of Livestock - Animal Farming 933

    All skills involved with livestock farming: animals handling, feeding and cleaning.

  • Group logo of Entertainment 6829


  • Group logo of Serving / Waitering 1699

    Waiting tables in a bar / club / restaurant

  • Group logo of Sport 5634


  • Group logo of Party Planner 1265

    Have you created and hostel party nights in hostels before? Then you’re well-qualified for this skill.

  • Group logo of Cruise Ships 651

    Jobs that are part of the cruise ship industry.

  • Group logo of Dessert Chef 71

    The person who is charge of desserts. Many restaurants have servers prepare their own desserts. However, in more upscale or specialty eateries, a dessert chef prepares a bulk of the desserts as they are ordered.

  • Group logo of Massage Therapist 262

    Massage Therapist

  • Group logo of Commis Waiter/Busser 412

    A commis waiter or waiter’s assistant. Known in North America as a busser, busboy or busgirl, they’re the person who works in the restaurant and catering industry clearing tables, taking dirty dishes to the […]