member since Apr 15 2019
Host overview
The Aashray home is a home for HIV infected and affected orphan children who have been rejected by their near ones due to discrimination, death of a parent, or their family´s financial problems.
The mission of Aashray Care Home is to nurture the dreams of children. Our vision is to let every HIV affected and infected child live with dignity and courage. Children here are redesigning their dreams and aspirations through community involvement and participation.
Work Posts
What we provide
Private room
Normal Wifi
How we work
You have the possibility to stay at the orphanage. Women only can stay overnight at the girl's zone, and both men and women can stay at the boy's zone. However you can all work in both places during the day.
You might also arrange a private room. Please ask us before for availability.
Also, there is a great choice of cheap and good hoss around the city, easily accessible.