How to quit your job and become a Working Traveller.

How to quit your job and become a Working Traveller.

Sitting at your desk writing a report you have no interest in? Can you see the sunshine out of the window and feel that spring in the air? Day dreaming about leaving your job and traveling the world? I know it sounds cheesy but I love that quote “ Learn to live your dreams, not just while your asleep”. So what is stopping you? Why don’t you walk into your Boss’s office and tell him “ Your dull” – smile and walk out?
  • Your probably not in a serous relationship. If you are, both go.
  • You probably can dump your rented apartment. If you own, even better – rent it.
  • You probably don’t see too much of your family and friends. If you do, you know they will all support you on this.
  • You probably don’t have any money. So nothing to loose. But you need something to help you earn as your travel. If you do have money and a good career, you might want to do something as you move around the world to keep your CV up to date.
  • Your might not have the right skills for being a Digital Nomad. You probably do have the right skills to be a Working Traveller. Have a look here at what skills your need to work and travel and what skills are being required by hosts around the world.
  • You probably don’t know where to look for work expedience postings from 1,000’s of hosts looking for skilled workers. Well now you do Work Search. Working Traveller, thats what we do. We find you the right hosts that need your skills in some pretty interesting parts of the world.
We have 1,700 work experience postings all over the world and growing daily. Not all are willing to pay for your work and expect you to volunteer. If you have good skills and build up some 10/10 references on your profile, you will be able to negotiate some payment for your work and travel your way around the world for as long as you want. If your ever missing the rat race and want back in, you will have a great CV showing all your references and the new boss you get who values you for doing this… will not be so dull. You probably have run out of reasons why not to go travelling. If you still think its not for you – then realise you are happy with your life and smile. If the lever has gone in your head and you want to make the break, read on.

How Working Traveller works

  • It’s free to sign up to Working Traveller. You make your profile and add your skills etc.
  • Build your itinerary and show hosts where you will be in the world in the next year.
  • Start contacting hosts and get work booked up; enough to convince yourself you can do this and pay for your trip past your first air fare.
  • Once you start to complete the work experiences you will get references and from there you can charge hosts more for your time and your skills.
Still want to finish that report? Or you want to sign up to Working Traveller and start thinking about how you will tell your boss your leaving?
1 Comment
  1. Vay Ambos 10 years ago

    I wanna quit my job and travel while working!

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