Giving Young People an Alternative to College

Want to ride horses in England?
Duncan, , Work and Travel, 0
We need someone who knows about horses to work in the UK Do you have riding skills? Do...
Norway in a nutshell: work and travel. Amazing work opportunity in one of the most picturesque part of the world
Valeriya Semenets, , carpenter, Farm Help, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
Almost all of us make bucket lists. The bucket list of real travellers incudes new destinations. We are pretty...
Do you want to participate in reforestation project in India?
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Reforestation project in India aimed to save the rare type of forest is looking for volunteers. The Tropical Dry...
Would you participate in a teaching volunteer project in South Africa?
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
The Amapondo Children's Project (ACP for short) started in 2001 and was registered as a non-profit organisation (048-276-NPO) in...
Working Traveller is no longer free to use
Duncan, , Work and Travel, 0
We tried, literally for years, we tried to keep it free for all to use. We could say it's...
Helpers needed in the heart of New York city
Duncan, , Travellers, United States, Work and Travel, Work and Travel News, 3
Want to help out in a large house and property in a diverse area of Staten Island, New York? Check...
30+ Work placements in Transylvania
Duncan, , Romania, Skills, Work and Travel, Work and Travel News, 1
Do you have some holiday left before you go back to college ? Interested in a bit of an adventure?...
India is calling: help our host to buid a school for local children
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Our host grew up in a small desert village, called Barna, along with his uncle they run a camel...
Have an interesting skills? Want to be featured you on the home page? Contact us at Host Support and lets us know about your working traveller quest. A pic of you doing the WT sign will help for sure.
You can then access all the help pages and information on how to work and travel.
If you want to build your skills and see the world at the same time - what better way to do it than be a Working Traveller.
If you can't manage on your own in peak season of you need skills you don't have - Working Traveller is a great way to get things done if your a host - when you need them doing.