Camp site in Transylvania needs your help

Help out on a ‘land house’ in Austria
Duncan, , Autria, Farm Help, Hosts, Work and Travel News, 0
If your looking at a back to nature experience in Western Europe, this may be it. Check out...
Who wants to work in the eco-village Clear Sky in Russia?
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Sebezh is a town in the East of Russia, located at the border with Latvia and not far from...
Are you a carpenter? Want work in the Caribbean?
Duncan, , Caribbean, carpenter, Skills, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
We have a WT host in the Caribbean that needs help with making a wooded deCk. It’s a great...
“To work and travel?” – That is the question.
Duncan, , Travellers, Work and Travel, Work and Travel News, 0
Merry Christmas every one 🙂 Boxing Day – it’s always this time of year when you begin to sober...
Village volunteer community is looking for working travellers to join their team in Uganda
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Village Volunteer Uganda is a nonprofit volunteer project aimed to support village communities in Uganda, to move them towards...
Sicily holidays & volunteer opportunity for working travellers
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Can you recollect the most well-known fact about Sicily except for being the Motherland of mafia? :) It is...
Join a volunteering organisation in India to make the world a better place
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Association of Relief Volunteers is a non-profit organization working mostly in communities in Angana and Andhra Pradesh states in...
What skills do you have?
Duncan, , Skills, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
What skills will you be using when you work and travel? Sometimes it is not obvious what your...
Have an interesting skills? Want to be featured you on the home page? Contact us at Host Support and lets us know about your working traveller quest. A pic of you doing the WT sign will help for sure.
You can then access all the help pages and information on how to work and travel.
If you want to build your skills and see the world at the same time - what better way to do it than be a Working Traveller.
If you can't manage on your own in peak season of you need skills you don't have - Working Traveller is a great way to get things done if your a host - when you need them doing.