Building a new dorm – for a new era in Kenya

The prefect city for Digital Nomads?
Duncan, , Work and Travel, Work and Travel News, 2
The prefect city for Digital Nomads? I have been researching the last few days on where to base myself...
Join a volunteering organisation in India to make the world a better place
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Association of Relief Volunteers is a non-profit organization working mostly in communities in Angana and Andhra Pradesh states in...
Live and work at a beautiful farm cottage in Australia
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Few years ago Linda converted a bare paddock into 5 cottages, set on 30 private breathtakingly beautiful natural treed...
Volunteering to help cats! Perfect work for cat lovers
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Cats, cats, cats - it's all about the cats... and a beach. A Malay fisherman and his family have...
Volunteer Needed at New Hostel in Central Greece
Charlotte, , Work and Travel, 0
New Hostel In Greece Needs a Great Volunteer The hostel is located in Trikala city, 10 miles from the Holy...
Who wants to volunteer in Cambridge? One of the best student cities in the UK
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Cambridge is a beautiful county town, well known for its university. It lays claim to having one of the...
Camp site in Transylvania needs your help
Duncan, , Romania, Work and Travel, Work and Travel News, 0
Want to experience village life, like it was 70 years ago in Europe? Come and work at a friendly...
Further education – to be or not to be a Working Traveller?
Duncan, , Work and Travel, 0
That is the question… You want to further your education, the question is – do you do a degree,...
Have an interesting skills? Want to be featured you on the home page? Contact us at Host Support and lets us know about your working traveller quest. A pic of you doing the WT sign will help for sure.
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If you want to build your skills and see the world at the same time - what better way to do it than be a Working Traveller.
If you can't manage on your own in peak season of you need skills you don't have - Working Traveller is a great way to get things done if your a host - when you need them doing.