30+ Work placements in Transylvania

Want to Teach English with a Family in Mexico City?
Charlotte, , Work and Travel, 0
Help a Young Couple Learn English in Mexico City A couple in Mexico City is looking for for a single...
Create Street Art in Medellin, Colombia with Working Traveller
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
I just wrapped up 10 days of creating street art for Paul’s “The Roaming Wolf Hostel” in Medellin, Colombia. I...
Giving Young People an Alternative to College
Duncan, , Work and Travel, 0
Interesting article in the New York Times about how to spend your time when at collage 50 years...
Host in Indonesia need volunteers for making Tree Houses
Duncan, , carpenter, Indonesia, Painting, Teaching, Work and Travel, 0
Interesting in helping out with all kinds of things in a community in Indonesia? Check out these guys –...
Norway in a nutshell: work and travel. Amazing work opportunity in one of the most picturesque part of the world
Valeriya Semenets, , carpenter, Farm Help, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
Almost all of us make bucket lists. The bucket list of real travellers incudes new destinations. We are pretty...
Travel to Turkey and work at the mountain cafe
Valeriya Semenets, , hostels, Hosts, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
Turkey is one of the most mysteriously attractive countries in the world. This is a meeting point of two...
Do you want to participate in reforestation project in India?
Valeriya Semenets, , Work and Travel, 0
Reforestation project in India aimed to save the rare type of forest is looking for volunteers. The Tropical Dry...
Are you a carpenter? Want work in the Caribbean?
Duncan, , Caribbean, carpenter, Skills, Travellers, Work and Travel, 0
We have a WT host in the Caribbean that needs help with making a wooded deCk. It’s a great...
Have an interesting skills? Want to be featured you on the home page? Contact us at Host Support and lets us know about your working traveller quest. A pic of you doing the WT sign will help for sure.
You can then access all the help pages and information on how to work and travel.
If you want to build your skills and see the world at the same time - what better way to do it than be a Working Traveller.
If you can't manage on your own in peak season of you need skills you don't have - Working Traveller is a great way to get things done if your a host - when you need them doing.
When does this festival take place?